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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Early July in my parent's backyard

I love this view! 

"I did a thing" A really difficult thing! I decided it was time to take some cuttings of my plumeria divine. It's one of my absolute favorites and it is loaded in SO many plumeria infloresences. It's so prolific that a single branch can sometimes have TWO inflorescenes. On the same branch.... it is wild. 

Here are some happier photos! My oleander is blooming so nicely.

So are the hardy gardenia. My Gardenia Summer Snow has a few blooms! 

No blooms on my "Pretty Princess" Plumeria, but my Plumeria "Jenny" has a huge inflo! 

Thanks for looking!


Citrus in bloom!

 I was gifted a Fukushu Kumquat earlier this year and it's finally coming into bloom. It's small size makes it absolutely perfect for containers. The flesh is sweet and the pulp is tart - it's a really fun citrus to eat! I lost my Meiwa Kumquat when I was on vacation 2 winters ago (it died from underwatering in the house) so this is really exciting.