The growing season is coming to a close. While I have a lot of plants inside, there are a few doing great outside right now!
My Agave looks really cool in the strawberry planter. Temperatures have dropped down to the 30s and it's time to bring the Areca palm in next week.
My Orange bird of paradise also need to head inside soon.
The hardy palms are ready for their time to shine! This is my Black and Blue Salvia with my Sabal Minor.
Sabal Uresana is a PAIN to grow. I get a new frond a year.
Needle Palm and Trachycarpus lasiocarpia
Chamadorea microspadix are getting huge. I got these as seedlings in Florida when I lived down there in 2018.
Windmill Palm alongside my Yucca Gloriosa
My first year with my Mule Palm. I'll bring it into the garage during prolonged freezes.
Hedychium Fiesta survived last winter outside. My Variegated Cordyline Australis will go inside when temperatures drop below 30 (or perhaps the garage)
Castor Bean is full of seeds!
The Ensete Palm is about to get chopped! My Cycas x panzhioluta is really starting to show it's differences from the typical cycad (Sago Palms). The fronds. have a touch of blue and are more flat.
Unfortunately it's time to do some cutting
Goodbye Ensete, into the garage you go! (this was so heavy!)
Livistona do well this time of the year outside, but will go in before the first hard freeze.
Fatsia is in bloom!
I can't believe I'm still getting so many hibiscus flowers!
Vanilla Ice Hedychium will be dug up soon.
Tibouchina is blooming well. This thing is like 10 feet tall!
Triangle Palm is going in soon. It can handle a freeze, but I will bring it in before that!
I have to bring my Staghorn fern inside soon too, but I have to let it get some rain. It can also handle temperatures in the lower 30s without damage.