Musa Sikkimensis
This was a purchase from Plant Delights in Summer 2022. It overwintered in the garage this year and is the second fastest to sprout back.
May 17

June 20

May 17
July 1
Ensete Maurelii
This was a purchase in fall 2022 on clearance. It overwintered in the garage is and always the fasted to sprout back!
May 17
June 20
July 1
Musa ?
(It was sold as Veinte Cohol but probably a different variety) It overwintered in the house. I separated it's pups and accidentally damaged the top of the stem and had to cut it back down to about 5 feet tall.
May 17

June 26
Musa Velutina
I puchased this in Miami this Spring. I think it could have been mislabeled and is instead Veinte Cohol. Time will tell!
May 17
June 26
Musa Siam Ruby
This was purchased from a local nursery last May. It did okay indoors but it has struggled outside. It was also very challenging to start last year and really needs heat to get its footing.
May 17
July 1
July 15
Musa Basjoo
This was it's first winter and although it was mild, it did die to the ground.
May 17
June 2
July 1
Musa Sumantra
Another purchase from Miami! The stem broke in half during transport, but it's growing out of it.
May 17
June 26
Musa Thai Black
This was a pup without roots and is really slow to start growing. It's pushing out a leaf now though!
May 17

July 1 - Not even 1 leaf. Yikes!

Musa Ae Ae
May 17
July 1 - 2 tiny leaves Also yikes