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Showing posts with label Hardy Tree Fern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardy Tree Fern. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A few tropical plants that are LOVING the shade on my patio

Most of my favorite tropical plants (like my bananas) love getting as much heat and sunshine as possible, but these have been thriving with just a bit of afternoon sunshine. They really seem to thrive indoors as houseplants over the winter too.

Here are how they look in September! 

My flamethrower palm, Chambeyronia macrocarpa only produces a single frond a year, but the leaf is huge and red. It's such an exciting plant!

An orchid flower peeking out between Coleus and Variegated Alocasia wentii “vintage silver”

Dicksonia antarctica

I've had my Medinilla myriantha since 2017 and it's bloomed every single year. A fantastic houseplant and an even better patio plant!

I mean check out those blooms! I'm in love.

Classic Anthurium that i've also had since 2017. It bloom all summer long. 

My Panama Hat Palm, Carludovica palmata, looked completely dead after it suffered transplant shock. It's not a real palm tree though (It's more closely related to elephant ears!) It looks like it'd make a promising houseplant so I'm excited to see how it performs inside during it's first winter.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Summer 2013 Summary

I've been working hard over the past few days to prepare everything for summer. In the front yard I am working on having more planting space than ever before. Last year I redid the bed in the side of my front yard by the driveway, this year I'm making a new planting bed right near the walkway that leads into my backyard.
The pool area in the backyard has been neglected so far, but I'm hoping to fill that area up with a lot of nice plants this weekend.
Here's a summary of last summer in my yard to inspire me to keep up the effort!