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Showing posts with label hardy Hibiscus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hardy Hibiscus. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2024

A few Early August blooms


My Vanda orchid is blooming! This was a purchase from Spring 2023

Looking good next to the begonia vine (Cissus discolor)

Plumeria Inca Gold with Musa Sikkimensis and a HUGE Hedychium Fiesta that overwintered beautifully 

The Tibouchina also began blooming. lots more flowers here than shown (just too lazy to take a good pic!) 

At my parents house Hibiscus "Perfect Storm" is enjoying the summer sun!

And my largest plumeria makes a nice compliment to the sunset!

Dipladenia "Fired Up". A survivor from last year (I brought it inside!)

Canna Cleopatra

A view of the pool. The Cordyline Black Knight ti plant is as tall as me! Hedychium looks good too.

But the biggest treat is Plumeria Divine!

Zinnia in bloom! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A few photos from Long Island today.

 It's hard to believe August is. aweek away, but it's been a great summer and there are definitely more surprises on the way. 

This is my Queen Emma Crinum that I purchased from Miami in 2021.

Plumeria "Inca Gold" is starting to bloom. Musa Sikkimensis is growing a new leaf a week and is getting very full. I love the variegated cordyline here too! 

Mini Hibiscus "Peppermint"

Giant, hardy hibiscus - Airbrush effect! 

Musa Ae Ae is producing a new leaf a week. SO exciting! 

Bismarkia is having a great year! 

Cycas revoluta x Cycas panzhihuaensis

Mickey Mouse Elephant Ear

My Vanda Orchid is blooming for the first time since I purchased it in April 2023! 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

A tropical start to October & what's ahead for winter!

October in my garden is a magical fusion of tropical plants and New York's famous autumn weather. All the plants are still looking good after a nice summer of growth and this week we were treated to record temperatures in Islip, NY here on Long Island. 

Woody Aster is a native wildflower

Musa Siam Ruby, Musa sikkimensis, hibiscus tillaceus (Variegated Sea Hibiscus)
Hardy hibiscus, perfect storm

Tibouchina granulosa
Double hibiscus 
Chinese evergreen houseplant with begonia and impatients 

Here are the high temperatures from my garden during the warm spell: 

10/2: 80F

10/3: 85F

10/4: 85F

10/5: 81F

It was weird to plant pansies in 80F weather, but now is the perfect time. They'll establish their roots before the cold weather arrivers and go in the garage during significant cold spells. These will bloom from now until JUNE!

I love planting cyclamen too. They aren't as cold tolerant, but bloom exclusively in cooler weather and shorter days PLUS they're tropical perennials. They dieback in the summer time and as long as the tubers don't freeze, they'll pop up again next winter for indoor and outdoor displays. *There are hardy cyclamen also that will survive our winters, btw!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

October Blooms Around The Yard

The weather is certainly cooler but don't try telling these plants that! Many flowers are still going strong despite the change in the weather and the noticably shorter days.

You'll see Mandevilla, Mums, Cleome, and Hibiscus in these photos

First, my Summer Storm Hibiscus has proven to be an absolute winner. It is the first to start blooming of the hardy hibiscus and it seems like it will never stop blooming. Seeing big and beautiful tropical blooms year after year from July to November without having to do ANYTHING is pretty incredible. This cultivar is far superior to Kopper King.

Can't complain about the beautiful Cleomes either! 

Who knew Mandevillas and Mums could look so awesome together! 

Cannas are going strong as well! 
Not quite a bloom but Southern Magnolias do have some pretty awesome seed pods this time of the year worth sharing. When I was little and saw these trees in Florida I called them "Artichoke Trees" because that's what I thought they were. Happy to have an "Artichoke Tree" in my own yard!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

A few September Photos

This weekend has featured absolutely perfect weather! Lots of heat and humidity which is perfect for the tropicals and for a person like me who refuses to believe that fall weather is knocking on our door.
Here are some photos of everything near their prime.

Took my heliconia out of its shady spot to give it some time to breath in the sun now that the sun angle isn't quite as strong as it was during the summer. Love the foliage and the blooms!

Speaking of foliage does not get much better than this! If I lived in the south all of my trees would have plantings under them like this. Up here these are potted plants.

I am in love with my Mekong Giant Banana! Unlike my Basjoos which has sat around all season, this started off as nothing in June after such a rough winter and is now about 8 feet tall. Beautiful leaves and incredible growth rate. A great little corner in my yard. 

Pool area looking nice. Would have liked the bananas on the right side of the planting to have gotten bigger though!

Cordyline anchoring the left part of the scene. 

A different angle

View from above! 

Here are a few closeups. 


Queen palm

Ensete leaf

Pink Canna bloom

Cucuzza bloom

Mexican Sunflower bloom

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for looking!