Looking good next to the begonia vine (Cissus discolor)
Canna Cleopatra
Zinnia in bloom!
Pics of my "tropical" New York City yard. I am in a USDA gardening zone 7 and I use plants that are hardy to our winters, are easy to overwinter indoors, or use as annuals to get the tropical look this far north. Please ask for my permission and give me credit if you use any of my pics! Thanks for looking!
It's hard to believe August is. aweek away, but it's been a great summer and there are definitely more surprises on the way.
This is my Queen Emma Crinum that I purchased from Miami in 2021. |
Plumeria "Inca Gold" is starting to bloom. Musa Sikkimensis is growing a new leaf a week and is getting very full. I love the variegated cordyline here too! |
Mini Hibiscus "Peppermint" |
Giant, hardy hibiscus - Airbrush effect! |
Musa Ae Ae is producing a new leaf a week. SO exciting! |
Bismarkia is having a great year! |
Cycas revoluta x Cycas panzhihuaensis |
October in my garden is a magical fusion of tropical plants and New York's famous autumn weather. All the plants are still looking good after a nice summer of growth and this week we were treated to record temperatures in Islip, NY here on Long Island.
Woody Aster is a native wildflower |
Musa Siam Ruby, Musa sikkimensis, hibiscus tillaceus (Variegated Sea Hibiscus) |
Hardy hibiscus, perfect storm |
Tibouchina granulosa |
Double hibiscus |
Chinese evergreen houseplant with begonia and impatients |
Here are the high temperatures from my garden during the warm spell:
10/2: 80F
10/3: 85F
10/4: 85F
10/5: 81F
It was weird to plant pansies in 80F weather, but now is the perfect time. They'll establish their roots before the cold weather arrivers and go in the garage during significant cold spells. These will bloom from now until JUNE!