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Showing posts with label Mexican Petunia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexican Petunia. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2013

Random Pics of flowers around the yard.

Here's a pic of my Crape Myrtle "Zuni". 

A bigger view 

My Mandevilla has more than double in sized over the

My Mandevilla in the backyard saw some light frosts in the spring, but it has grown really well since. Imagine how fast it would grow if the roots weren't confined to a pot!

Brugmansia "Emerald Glow" bloom

Robert Kemp Hibiscus

Painted Lady Hibiscus (this one is tropical!)

Moon vine one night before opening up.

Huge moon vine bloom the next evening. 

Passiflora "Berkley" about to make the first bloom of the season.

I thought I lost this Mexican Petunia over the winter, but I potted up the roots anyways to see what would happen. It ended up growing back without a problem! Every single plant that I thought died over the winter ended up coming back eventually.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mexican petunia blooming!

My Mexican petunia survived the winter although it came up so late that I dug it up and repotted it. Here's a pic.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Quick June 4th, 2013 Update!

Small update today!

My Med Fan palm is blooming and looking pretty good.
 Pineapple Lily survived the winter again. Still has not bloomed yet though.
 Turns out that my Mexican Petunia did survive the winter! I'll replant it somewhere else in the yard (surprised that this came back but my cannas and Passion vine mysteriously died)
 Yucca filamentosa is about to bloom!
 New and (so far) not rotted Bismarkia!
 Alocasia finally making a new leaf!