Everytime I visit Florida I try to bring some fun plants back & this might be my biggest haul I've ever carried on a plane!
Going Bananas
I purchased three new banana plants from an incredible local banana plant grower. The Musa Thai Black was field dug and is already large & showing some gorgeous dark coloration. I'm also trying Musa Sumatrana X Gran Nain, and what I thought was Musa Velutina.... but could be Musa Viente Cohol. We'll have to see.
Here they are when I picked them up...
Unfortunately the Musa Sumatrana X Gran Nain banana had damage so I decided it would be healthier to cut it off right from the bottom of the damage. It's already growing back.
Mounts Botanical Garden - Palm & Cycad Sale
I had a blast talking with the palm tree hobbyist at this sale! They showed me pictures of their gardens that truly had me drooling. Unfortunately, a lot of vendors couldnt make it to the sale because of the weather, but I still managed to bring home some cool plants like Chamadorea ernestii angusta & Dypsis maroantsetra.
Dypsis maroantsetra develops red new fronds. I'm so excited for that!