Here's my mekong Giant. It will be overwintering outdoors. I hope it survives!

A restaurant down the block landscaped with coconut palms this year. Here they are around Thanksgiving time still looking green. Could you believe that Coconut palms could co-exist with christmas decorations in NYC!

My Washingtonia Palm is still very green as are my cannas. No hard freezes in the front yard yet!
I am in complete disbelief with this one. My Kopper King Hibiscus is actually still blooming despite it being late November! Anyone who grows hardy hibiscus know to only expect blooms during the hottest weeks of the year. These are newly planted though (I planted them in September) and I guess the greenhouses they were grown in threw them off schedule. We'll find out their real blooming schedule next summer!

Although crape myrtles are generally associated with the southern states, they compete with the fall foliage of northern trees easily! My crape is definitely one of the more colorful trees on the block (Keep in mind people mostly plant bradford pears on my block and their foliage isn't too spectacular in my opinion).

Fall foliage with palms.

My Loquat is blooming. This tree is marginally hardy here in NYC (I'll be protecting it anyway). These blooms are about the most fall color you'll see from them. Their appeal this far north is their leathery evergreen leaves. Down south they are growing for their tasty fruit!

A couple of angles from the front yard.
Here's a closeup of my Washingtonia.

It's amazing to be greeted with mandevilla vines after Thanksgiving.

My Sabal Minor and Black and Blue salvia still looking like summertime. They will be going through their first winter this year. My begonias are still looking great in November too (you can see the edge of that planter to the very right of this picture).

I've definitely started to associate fall with butterfly ginger. If I'm lucky the blooms will begin to open up in August, but they'll always be enough buds from summer to last into the first frost. There are still plenty of blooms in November. The blooms are beautiful but the fragrance is what makes this plant really incredible. I actually bought these plants as tiny roots in Hawaii at a tourist shop. They were really easy to grow!

Thanks for looking!