Tropical Gardening in New York City!
Pics of my "tropical" New York City yard. I am in a USDA gardening zone 7 and I use plants that are hardy to our winters, are easy to overwinter indoors, or use as annuals to get the tropical look this far north. Please ask for my permission and give me credit if you use any of my pics! Thanks for looking!
Search My Yard!
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
March Yard Work!
An update on my Joey Palm Johannesteijsmannia altifrons
I wouldn't consider. this magnificent palm to be a good candidate for a houseplant in NY, but it's proved me wrong! It spends the winter indoors and is quite happy!
This is an incredibly slow growing palm with no trunk, but undivided fronds that can eventually reach 20 feet tall. It's something to marvel at in the tropics and a pretty cool plant in my dining room here in New York!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Staten Island Winter Update
My Windmill Palms were planted 16 years ago in my parent's yard and it's time to uncover them!
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Things are looking ROUGH!
Our coldest night of the year was 10F. It was a zone 8 winter (barely), but I had dead plants left and right. The problem was the duration of cold!
The temperature dropped into the teens:
December: 2 nights
January: 7 nights
February: 5 nights
I covered my front yard palm for pretty much every old night. It was my most covered palm for sure, but it honestly looks worse than any other others. There's some green left but it's pretty horrible. My Chuck hayes gardenia looks like it made out better (but we'll have to wait until spring to know for sure).
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Needle palm was covered with a tarp to protect from snow and ice because it also receives no sunlight during the winter. It is looking damaged but probably not terribly. I guess we will see!
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The gardenia really surprised me. Frostproof just had a plastic bin over it and it looks good. The cast iron plants and fatsia all look good too. It seems like broadleaf evergreens in general faired better than the palms this winter.
I left my backyard windmill palm uncovered during our coldest nights of the year back in December
My Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera' is DYING
I'm really disappointed that my Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera' has not handled this winter well. I honestly don't recall having it out in any extreme cold. It probbaly saw a string of nights near 20F, but wasn't exposed to anymore cold than my variegated Cordyline australis (Torbay Dazzler) and that plant is rated as an 8b.
In the past, the Blue European Fan Palm has been a really reliable palm for me. I had a small one for many years, some years unprotected. It would die back but always recover.
We'll see how this one does. I have it inside against a sunny window & poured hydrogen peroxide down the crown. At least the fronds look okay.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
The Palms are out for some air ...
Fatsia Japonica
Mid February Update!
It's been a snowy and chilly month outside but my house is FILLED with blooms. You can see some of those blooms in my post from mid January, but here are some more!