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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My Palm Trees

I bought a Triangle Palm and Coconut Palm for just 25 dollars. What a bargain! 

I grow a lot of tropical palms. Here are a few! 

Rhapis excelsa, Chambeyronia macrocarpa (Flamethrower palm)
& adondila

Joey palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons)

old man palm (Coccothrinax crinita)

Flamethrower with Gaussia princeps. Also my flax lily and false agave! 


Not a true palm, but a very pretty plant! Carludovica palmata aka Panama Hat Palm

Chamadorea metalica - aka Metal palm!

chamaedorea seifrizii

Caryota (have to check the species!)
Queen palm & Areca 

These palms survive outside for some or most of the winter! 

Chamadorea microspadix 

Chamaerops humilis 'Cerifera'

First year with my mule palm. Lots of Pindo in the DNA here! 

Windmill palms! 

Farfugium and Fatsia looking good too!
Another angle
Peeking in is the Yucca Gloriosa!
With Pink China Elephant Ear Colocasia 


Back to more hardy palms!
Needle Palm (peeping in is the Trachycarpus latisecus 
Trachycarpus Latisceus 
- Cycas x panzhioluta
Cycas revoluta with my meyer lemon
Another angle
 Livistona chinensis - Chinese fan palm 

Another angle

Sabal Minor

Close up 

My Musa Basjoo living its best life. 

Thanks for looking! Forgot to take a picture of the Washingtonia filifera seedlngs, Licuala grandis, Sabal minor Arkansas seedling, and and my variegated Rhapis. But most of my palms on Long Island are accounted for here!

Here are the Staten Island palms!

Trachycarpus fortunei -Windmill Palm

Sabal Minor

Adondila Christmas Palm

Bottle Palm

Mediterranean Fan Palm

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