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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A few photos from Long Island today.

 It's hard to believe August is. aweek away, but it's been a great summer and there are definitely more surprises on the way. 

This is my Queen Emma Crinum that I purchased from Miami in 2021.

Plumeria "Inca Gold" is starting to bloom. Musa Sikkimensis is growing a new leaf a week and is getting very full. I love the variegated cordyline here too! 

Mini Hibiscus "Peppermint"

Giant, hardy hibiscus - Airbrush effect! 

Musa Ae Ae is producing a new leaf a week. SO exciting! 

Bismarkia is having a great year! 

Cycas revoluta x Cycas panzhihuaensis

Mickey Mouse Elephant Ear

My Vanda Orchid is blooming for the first time since I purchased it in April 2023! 

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